since 1998

Ugo is happy to serve

Italian Mortgage Service

for non Italians & Italians Aire

to buy, restore, refinance, Real Estate in Italy

Professione esercitata a norma della legge 14-01-2013-nr.4


What my clients say about me 

To contact my clients, click on their blue name

date: 2023-05-02 name: Nr.808- Erik subject: Ugo har alltid tid og gir aldri opp.
Jeg har utforsket over 30 eiendommer i Umbria, forsøkt å kjøpe 5 av dem. Da jeg endelig fikk kjøpt den beste av dem alle så var det med et hus som måtte renoveres. Man får ikke lån i norske banker med sikkerhet i italienske eiendommer så jeg forsøkte å ta kontakt med flere italienske banker direkte. Det var som å møte en vegg. Med mindre du bor fast i Italia, så er det nesten umulig å få lån direkte. Som utlending som ikke bor i landet må du ordne det via en finansmegler. Jeg forsøkte 2 andre før jeg fikk tips om Ugo. Den ene ga opp, den andre hadde aldri tid. Ugo har alltid tid og gir aldri opp. Han er den mest direkte personen jeg har møtt, men jeg har erfart at det lønner seg å følge hans format uten å bruke for mye tid på alle mulige detaljer. Han vet hva bankene trenger og i hvilke format for å effektivisere behandlingstiden og redusere sannsynligheten for at prosessen stopper opp. Han er rask og nesten alltid tilgjengelig, men forventer tilsvarende holdning fra deg, så vær forberedt på å svare raskt og gi ham det han trenger når han ber om det. Han kan anbefales.

fra Norge


date: 2021-07-31 name: Nr. 798 – Hayatt & Cam subject: Ugo our Italian Angel

We live and work in the US but we are originally from Mexico & Canada. We always liked Italy and thought that was were we wanted to retire.

In 2018 we decided we needed to understand the Italian housing market better if we were serious about retiring there. We were very specific in what we wanted for a house with no expectation that we would see anything that met our desires that we could possibly afford. We looked at several properties and found an old farmhouse near Florence that fit our budget. Although we did not go on this trip to actually find and purchase a house, we decided that we would likely not come across an opportunity like this again, so we made the plunge.

We paid cash to purchase but would need a mortgage to renovate the house.
Things moved so fast that we did not have time to fully understand if and how foreigners could obtain financing. We found ourselves in an awkward and tense situation with a house in Italy and no easy way to pay for the renovation.

We were still a few years from retirement and not in position to take up residence to facilitate obtaining a mortgage. We tried working remotely with a few brokers with no success until we found Ugo. He knew exactly what we needed to do, and he made it happen.

It was an arduous process. Then COVID happened. Despite it all Ugo stayed on top of us, our architect and the bank until we finally obtained our financing in March of 2021. The renovation is finally now underway, and we hope to be complete in 2022 in time to retire and move in.

None of this would have been possible without Ugo. He is demanding and sometimes on the aggressive side, but without his persistence we would still be sitting with an unlivable old farmhouse in Italy.

We were lucky to have found Ugo and would 100% recommend him to any non-Italians like us who need help navigating the very complicated and bureaucratic mortgage business in Italy.

He definitely knows his way around.

Always thankful,
Hayatt & Cam
From Texas


date: 2021-03-31 name: Nr. 803 – Giovanni subject: Cercando su Google ho trovato Ugo

Grazie a Ugo sono riuscito ad ottenere un mutuo per un importo rilevante, che non sarei mai riuscito ad ottenere altrimenti.

Come italiano residente all'estero in un paese non appartenente all'area Euro, è quasi impossibile avere accesso a un finanziamento da parte di una banca italiana per l'acquisto di una casa in Italia.

Da diverse settimane stavo cercando qualcuno che mi potesse aiutare per comprare casa a Milano.

Cercando su Google ho trovato Ugo e i servizi di

Nel giro di un paio di mesi da quando l'ho contattato per la prima volta ,sono riuscito a fare il rogito e ad ottenere il mutuo.

L'aiuto di Ugo durante tutto il processo , è stato incredibile : mi ha aiutato e guidato nel reperimento di tutta la documentazione che le banche in Italia richiedono, mi ha messo in contatto con il notaio che poi ha fatto il rogito e con la filiale della banca che ha erogato il mutuo.

Senza di lui, non sarei davvero riuscito a ottenere quello che volevo.

Ugo Vagniluca è un professionista e ancor prima ,e più importante, è una persona in gamba.

Grazie Ugo!

dalla Colombia


date: 2020-07-17 name: Nr. 797 - Michele Ciani subject: l’etica di lavoro di Ugo


Sono un italiano residente all’ estero da ormai più di vent’anni tra America, Australia, Francia e Dubai dove ho lavorato per diverse multinazionali.

Non sono nuovo ad acquisti immobiliari e neanche alla trafila burocratica necessaria ad ottenere un prestito immobiliare, cosa che ero riuscito a fare da Parigi a New York a Dubai.

Ma niente mi aveva preparato per la complessità del sistema Italiano, pur essendo io stesso Italiano (cosa che pensavo mi avrebbe facilitato).

Mi ero innamorato di una casa e pensavo poter ottenere un credito attraverso banche italiane. Da solo persi mesi , cercai qualche interlocutore: blogs, chats, banca di famiglia a Roma, banche locali vicino l’immobile, banche grandi, banche piccole, cooperative .. un incubo!

All’inizio molte banche dicevano che era possibile ma dopo inutili e lunghi avanti e indietro non si riusciva mai. Poi una mia amica ha trovato il sito di Ugo , online.

All’ inizio ero scettico dopo tutte le aspettative deluse , ma alla fine Ugo e’ riuscito ad ottenermi il prestito e a condizioni molto migliori di quelle che avevo sperato!

Devo dire che l’etica di lavoro di Ugo e’ eccezionale .. segue tutti i dettagli, trova la soluzione a ogni problema, e’ instancabile .. quando tu stesso sei pronto a lasciar perdere , lui è li , che fa ripartire le cose!

Inoltre le sue tariffe sono veramente oneste e posso ben dirlo in quanto ho usato mortgage brokers in altri paesi come Spagna e USA!

Last but not least, dietro un fare all’inizio in po burbero ho scoperto una gran bella persona, divertente e piena di risorse.

Posso solo dire ‘grazie infinite ’ ad Ugo e sperare che avremo modo di fare tanti altri affari insieme nel futuro!

Non esitate a contattarmi per ulteriori domande o consigli.


Michele Ciani
Da Dubai


date: 2020-04-10 name: Nr. 792 – Simone e Chona subject: acquistare una piccola proprietà in Italia

Mia moglie ed io abbiamo deciso di acquistare una piccola proprietà in Italia a marzo 2019, come un piccolo investimento, non sapevo che il processo per ottenere finanziamenti da una banca italiana potesse essere un incubo, soprattutto se sei un cittadino italiano residente all'estero (AIRE).

La situazione non era certamente semplice in quanto acquistavamo questa proprietà in diverse quote di proprietà e ci basavamo su diversi regimi fiscali (prima e seconda casa), inoltre dovevo rispettare un termine rigoroso per completare il processo di acquisto legato al raggiungimento positivo del finanziamento.

È stato dopo vari tentativi falliti attraverso alcuni broker mutui che mi sono imbattuto accidentalmente in Ugo sul web . Mi dissi che questo poteva essere l'ultimo tentativo fallito, e che avrei deciso di non andare oltre.

Ugo era la soluzione a tutti i miei problemi.

Devo ammettere che è stato uno dei processi più complessi e stancanti che ho attraversato e che è durato per oltre 7 mesi.

Ugo mi ha guidato attraverso tutta la giungla della burocrazia italiana, meticolosamente, professionalmente e instancabilmente.

Alla fine ha consegnato quello che ho chiesto: il finanziamento è stato approvato!

Chiunque intenda intraprendere la richiesta di un mutuo immobiliare in Italia non potrebbe fare una scelta migliore che affidare a Ugo questo compito.

Il modus operandi di Ugo si basa sulla Procura in suo favore , in base alla quale ti rappresenta dinanzi alla Banca finanziatrice per la richiesta e la firma dell’atto di mutuo e (se lo desideri) ti solleva dalla mobilitazione , anche per la firma del contratto di acquisto . Ugo si occuperà , al tuo posto , di quasi tutti gli aspetti della transazione.

Come prova finale che Ugo ha un immenso serbatoio di opzioni è stato il modo in cui ha superato la quasi totale interruzione delle attività a seguito del blocco di Covid-19: è riuscito a finalizzare l'acquisto coinvolgendo due notai (a 500 km di distanza tra loro) perfettamente coordinati per garantire che entrambi, il contratto di compravendita e il mutuo bancario fossero eseguiti correttamente e con successo mentre , Io , lavoravo a oltre 5000 km di distanza.

Come nota a margine, Ugo conosce e raccomanda professionisti di grande reputazione che sicuramente offriranno la migliore soluzione possibile per schivare gli ostacoli.

Simone e Chona
Dalla Nigeria


date: 2019-12-13 name: Nr. 793 - Wendy and Tom subject: We decided to move, and live in Italy in 2019

We decided to move, and live and work in Italy in the beginning of 2019.
We found the house of our dreams in April 2019 in Umbria and needed a mortgage.
We went ourselves to the bank in Italy and we received a loan proposal, however, the conditions were not good.

We accepted the loan but searched further and that is how we ended up at Ugo in the summer of 2019.

Ugo has given me a lot of stress and he kept saying that I had to stay calm but in the end (December 2019) a new loan was approved, thanks to the help of Ugo with very good conditions.

Ugo was very strict, needed a lot of information and documents we had to request in our home country, from the bookkeeper, taxes, work, ... If the info did not come soon enough after his emails, he sent a text message to insist.

Ugo works very correctly! He waits for a loan request in the bank until he has all the information he needs. Ugo is also very helpful even after obtaining the loan. Spoken English is difficult for him.

Ugo makes your dreams come true but you need to stay calm and follow him in every step he wants, even if you think it is not necessary or stupid!

Thx Wendy and Tom
From Belgium


date: 2019-10-16 name: Nr. 790 - Taran & Anju subject: We would highly recommend Ugo

We would highly recommend Ugo as the ultimate expert with gaining an Italian mortgage. We have a complex background by being British nationals, living and working in Hong Kong and already investors in Italy. Gaining lending to purchase again we knew would be even more complex and potentially with a low chance of it happening.

Ugo however is a subject matter expert when it comes to the process, laws and parameters in place. He is honest, direct and demanding so you stick to deadlines to get everything done. Ugo is relentless and because he knows the system so well will find a way to make things work in a very very compliant way.

You have to be prepared to follow Ugo and be flexible with your team, but he is capable of making difficult things happen and the result is perfect.

Go with Ugo and you will find yourself in your dream home in the near future!

Taran & Anju
From Hong Kong


date: 2018-10-01 name: Nr. 785 - David subject: We bought a renovated house in Italy in 2018

We bought a renovated house in Italy in 2018.

Given how low rates were, we wanted to get an Italian mortgage. However, it was very difficult and expensive to find any bank willing to fund foreigners.

We had come across - and Ugo Vagniluca - a couple of years earlier when we were looking to buy a place in Sardinia. He was very helpful back then but, in the end, we decided against the purchase. We decided to contact him again in 2018 and boy we are happy we did. His knowledge of local customs and advisors (architects, lawyers, bankers, notaries, accountants, electricians, etc.) combined with his tenacity, got all the jobs we wanted, done.

To obtain an Italian mortgage, be prepared to provide an extraordinary amount of confidential information. Ugo was able to obtain our elective residence in one month! He obtained our mortgage in 6 months. It would have been quicker had there not been some planning issues, which he thankfully identified and we solved before we purchased. Throughout the process he was available around the clock.

Ugo’s written English is far better than his spoken English. Also, while he is gruff, to foreigners as well as to Italians, his efficiency, tenacity and success was far more important to us.

After we purchased the house, Ugo continued to be very helpful on matters ranging from changing the locks to obtaining property insurance and finding ways to reduce our energy consumption. Finally, we have expanded Ugo’s range of services by asking him to help us nationalize our foreign car, a task that is also very difficult and which nobody wanted to do. Well, in Ugo fashion, he did it and we now have Italian plates.

Without any doubt, Ugo is a great resource for foreigners who need help navigating the complex Italian bureaucracy and I recommend him.

From Madrid


date: 2018-03-22 name: Nr. 784 - Stephen and Ash subject: Extraordinary !

We bought a house in Italy in 2013 with a view to either renovating it or re-building it.

We had sufficient funds to start the work but would need a mortgage to complete it. We applied to several banks in Italy, Germany and the UK, but none of them was willing to fund a British couple, living and working in Germany on the re-building of an Italian house - no surprise there then!

After months of searching we finally came across - and Ugo Vagniluca. - Wow, what a change from what we had so far experienced during our purchase and planning permission process.- Ugo was contactable 24/7 and was often pushing us if we had not responded within a couple of hours - super fast and super efficient.

Unfortunately our case was further complicated by the fact that our deeds had a "donazione" clause in them, we were re-building and not renovating and we were not Italian residents.

Ugo guided us through the extremely complicated process of gaining residenza elettiva, getting a notarised authority so that Ugo could sign everything on our behalf (that required flying to London to get a notary that would do it quickly!), sending multiple copies of earnings and tax documents to the banks (many times) and one hundred and one other things that we would never have dreamt would be needed.

Ugo managed the lot, calmly, patiently and positively, always making us believe that the impossible was in fact possible.

The process was not quick. From the first contact with Ugo to the day the bank finally transferred money into our account took a whole year! Nothing to do with Ugo, just the very complicated process we in particular had to go through.

Without Ugo on board we honestly do not believe we would ever have a got a mortgage for this re-build project.

Thanks Ugo, we will be forever grateful.

Stephen and Ash
British, living in Germany (and in Italy soon!)


date: 2018-01-08 name: Nr. 783 - Lutz and Slobodan subject: Ugo is making miracles happening!

When we met Ugo we had no clue what would be in front of us in achieving our dream of buying a house in Italy. He prepared us for all steps ahead, left no question unanswered ; and we had many!!

The sequence of tasks, achieving residence, managing all circumstances necessary, temporary accommodation, health insurance, bank account, for every issue he knew the path, which led to a successful outcome.

After an amazingly short period of time, we’re now proud house owners in Italy. A process that can take easily 6 months, but thanks to Ugo we sorted it in less than 3 months. With his connections internationally, even our travel was much less than expected, as foreign notaries he works with were also well prepared to look after all steps we had to pass.

Looking back, I doubt without Ugo we could be in the same situation now, and we’re very grateful to have had a chance to enjoy his support and facilitation.

Even though his English is much better in writing (like our Italian), we managed to complete everything without any problems.

In the whole process he was the most valuable person, trustworthy, well connected, insightful and amazingly patient.

He made the dream come through!! Thank you Ugo.

Lutz and Slobodan
from the U.K.


date: 2017-08-30 name: Nr. 781 - Anne & Chris subject: Ugo really is a miracle worker!

We were expecting that buying a house in Italy would take months & be an absolute nightmare.

Only 2 months after putting in an offer we moved into a wonderful property. Ugo guided us through the whole process and not just the mortgage itself . He liaised with the estate agent and lawyers as well.

It was all a bit frenetic, but we bought the house incredibly quickly and the process was pretty straightforward.
Ugo was great value for money and we got a much better mortgage rate than we could have got alone.

We were British citizens, living in Switzerland & wanting to move to Italy.

Anne & Chris
British citizens, living in Switzerland .


date: 2017-03-27 name: Nr. 777 - Helen & Simon subject: Restoration project with Ugo’s help

We would not have been able to get a mortgage to finance our restoration project without Ugo’s help.

At times the whole experience was very overwhelming – be warned a huge amount of information is required to complete a mortgage/loan application - but Ugo steered us through it all, you just need to put your trust in him.

He is incredibly efficient, tenacious and seems to work around the clock to get a result – he certainly doesn’ t take no for an answer.

Since our first payment came through Ugo has stayed in touch and ensured that all further payments were made on time. His English isn’ t good but then sadly neither is our Italian but we have always managed to understand each other.

We highly recommend Ugo for his financial services and knowledge of the system and will always be grateful for everything he did for us.

Helen & Simon,
from UK


date: 2016-10-25 name: Nr. 771 - Marco subject: La mia esperienza con Ugo

Nel 2011 mi sono trasferito negli USA con la mia famiglia; in Italia possiedo ancora un piccolo appartamento comprato quando mi sono sposato.

Quest’anno, attratto dai tassi ai minimi storici, ho provato per innumerevoli volte a contattare delle banche Italiane per cercare di surrogare il mutuo.

Tutte le volte mi e’ stato detto che non era possibile in quanto il mio reddito e’ generato completamente all'estero.

Avevo quasi rinunciato quando, per puro caso, mi sono imbattuto nel sito ed ho contattato Ugo.

La sua risposta e’ stata immediata e nel giro di due mesi la surroga e’ stata eseguita senza alcun problema.

La mia esperienza con Ugo e’ stata eccezionale; con lui ho incontrato una persona gentile, professionale, instancabile e maniaca dei dettagli.

Grazie Ugo!

Marco from USA


date: 2015-06-17 name: Nr. 757 - Trygve & Hayley subject: you wonth regret it !

Until we met Ugo in person we were not sure if he was person or a machine. He answered most every email - regardless of what time of day - we sent to him (and there were many) within minutes.

His knowledge of the bureaucracy is deep. He knew every hoop we needed to jump through and the way to dodge the ones we should have avoided. He assisted in excess of what he was strictly paid to do reviewing contractts and other documents in Italian and providing us useful feedback.

His English is pretty good, but not perfect. Don’t be put off by that, you will get there - just be double sure nothing is lost in translation! After talking with everyone we could find to help in the end we don’t think we would have pulled off the purchase without Ugo’s knowledge and assistance.

(We were UK residents and we purchased a house in Emilia Romagna. We researched and viewed the properties ourselves.)

Trygve & Hayley
from Uk


date: 2014-11-27 name: Nr. 725 - Per & Jody subject: Ugo Worked Miracles

We tried and failed for years to get a loan for our renovation work in Italy and had, in fact, totally given up and were limping along trying to finish the project with whatever cash we could scrape up. We were on the point of shutting the project down entirely when we found Ugo and decided to try one last time.

The mortgage process in Italy is long, difficult, and very different from what we had experienced in the US.

However, Ugo is a master at getting you through it, and making sure all details are absolutely correct and what an Italian bank wants to see in a loan application. Just trust him, do what he says, and he will get the job done.

In our case, just in time for Christmas, an Ugo miracle: we finally got our loan, and are proceeding full steam ahead with our rebuilding.

We will finish our project within the year, and that is 100% because of Ugo.

Highest recommendation.

Per & Jody
from USA


date: 2013-10-27 name: Nr. 718 - Barbara Bompani subject: Lifeinitaly

Da dieci anni vivo in Gran Bretagna con mio marito.

In primavera, durante una visita a parenti ed amici nella mia citta' natale, Parma, abbiamo individuato in centro storico un appartamentino che faceva al caso nostro e perfetto per i nostri futuri soggiorni in Italia. Purtroppo pero' l'impatto con il sistema bancario italiano si e' rivelato scoraggiante ed in tutte le banche a cui ci siamo rivolti ci e' stato detto che avremmo faticato tantissimo ad ottenere un mutuo nell'attuale clima economico, e questo era soprattutto vero per chi cercava di ottenere un mutuo in Italia stando all'estero.

Quando ormai ci stavamo rassegnando a non acquistare il nostro amato appartamento, mio marito ha visto il sito di Ugo, LifeinItaly, in internet e mi ha chiesto di contattarlo via Skype.

Da allora si sono susseguite infinite email e video chiamate online ed Ugo si e' rivelato indispensabile nel farci ottenere un mutuo e nel navigare la complessa burocrazia italiana.

Ugo e' una persona assolutamente professionale, sempre disponibile ed ultra attenta ai particolari.
Ugo ci ha seguito costantemente ed e' stato disponibile a qualsiasi ora e in qualsiasi giorno della settimana.

Ci ha indicato che tipo di documentazione dovessimo ottenere, come ottenerla, come tradurla e come autenticarla.

Anche dopo aver firmato la stipula, Ugo ha continuato a seguirci e ci ha aiutato ad identificare ed ottenere una polizza vita a garanzia del mutuo .

Raccomanderei senza esitazione a chiunque si trovasse in una situazione simile.

Se non fosse stato per Ugo ora non sarei la felice proprietaria del mio amato appartamento a Parma!

Dr Barbara Bompani
Edimburgo, Regno Unito

Telefono (lavoro): +44 (0)131 6513891


date: 2013-04-15 name: Nr. 701 - Lalla from Sweden subject: il mio piccolo sogno

Sono una ragazza italiana che vive all'estero e avendo desiderio di acquistare una proprietà in Italia, ho contattato la prima volta Ugo per ottenere un mutuo, ma data la situazione del fabbricato, non avrei potuto ottenerlo.

Avendo la soluzione ma nessuna conoscenza in trattative e men che meno della burocrazia al riguardo, vista la disponibilità di Ugo , la sua trasparenza sin dal primo momento nel passarmi informazioni e la sua conoscenza del sistema immobiliare italiano, ho deciso di chiedere la sua consulenza ed assistenza nel processo di compravendita fino al rogito .

Ebbene, qualche giorno fa ho firmato, acquistando il mio piccolo sogno sulla collina…

Per questo devo ringraziare vivamente l'esperienza e la professionalità di Ugo.

Grazie alla sua reperibilità praticamente non-stop, illimitata pazienza e simpatia, mi son sentita in buone mani durante tutto il tempo.
Senza il suo costante impegno e lavoro o sarei impazzita o avrei rinunciato tempo fa.

Fa davvero piacere incontrare persone che come Lui mettono enorme passione nel proprio lavoro.

Grazie davvero Ugo!

Lalla from Sweden


date: 2012-02-15 name: Nr. 681 - Therese and Raphael Jaggy subject: Recommending Ugo Vangiluca

We started looking for a home in Italy In December of 2010. Given the current bleak economic environment, we knew the process was going to require a lot of patience, but after 6 months of unsuccessfully trying to find a mortgage in Italy, we were tired and frustrated. Knowing we couldn't be the only people who didn't want to pay cash for their home outright (which was actually suggested to us by a realtor), I started searching online for other people who had succeeded, and stumbled across Ugo's Site.

From our very first email correspondence with Ugo, we were impressed with how well he knew his business. He is incredibly knowledgeable, and will help you understand how to successfully navigate, from beginning to end, the MANY requirements needed by the Italian authorities, banks, notaries, etc...

In addition, he was incredibly timely about answering emails (so timely, I wonder if he ever sleeps!) He's also very good at making you reply in a timely manner. Nothing made me smile more, than receiving an email from Ugo with the line: "I wait" if it took us longer than 24 hours to respond to a query. The man doesn't 'slack off' and he doesn't allow you to either!

If it weren't for Ugo, we'd either still be looking for a mortgage or given up. But instead we're homeowners!

Thank you Mr. Vagniluca... It's been a pleasure.

Therese and Raphael Jaggy
Swiss and American peoples in Singapore


date: 2011-03-23 name: Nr. 653 - Gabriele Monti subject: Ugo

Ho vissuto 15 anni all'estero, tra cui 10 nel Regno Unito . Avendo l'idea di acquistare un appartamento nella mia città natale per il futuro e un eventuale rimpatrio, cominciai a cercare di ottenere un mutuo, ma presto mi resi conto che le banche chiedevano documenti italiani che comprovassero i miei redditi , cosa resa ancora più ardua visto che mia moglie è straniera extra EU.

Ugo mi è stato consigliato da una mia cliente inglese che aveva acquistato un immobile in Abruzzo. Ugo è stato in grado di ottenere un mutuo da una banca italiana a un tasso vantaggioso.
Ugo si è reso sempre disponibile, rispondendo a tutte le email in modo molto tempestivo, e spingendo tutte le parti interessate fino al completamento del rogito.
E' stato possibile fare tutte le carte per via telematica, fax, scansioni, email, telefono, per me molto vantaggioso visto che sono residente all'estero, e mi sono recato in Italia solo per la firma del rogito.

Ugo inoltre conosce molto bene le complessità del sistema italiano e non mancherà di esservi d'aiuto in qualunque momento!

Quindi consiglio vivamente di usare i servizi di Ugo nel caso, come me, viviate all'estero da tempo e volete acquistare la vostra casetta in Italia, o per un investimento.

Gabrile Monti
London – UK


date: 2010-04-13 name: Nr. 613 - Marcus Consolini subject: Getting the job done!

While I was able to find the apartment I wanted in Italy, I never would have been able to manage the maze that is the Italian Banking system if it were not for Ugo. I presently have spent many years living in Asia and understand the concept of knowing the inns and outs when managing the system. I never thought that I would need to have the same level of expertise when dealing with a first world country such as Italy. Ugo was that expertise that I needed and without him there is no, and I mean NO way, that I would have succeeded in my purchase of a flat in Umbria.

Disaster after disaster was recovered because of Ugo's knowledge of the system, personal perseverance, and ability to get things done. The first mortgage application missed my target loan amount as the result of Italian laws changing mid-stream (and after it had been approved), the second mortgage application was a negotiation that would still be going on if it were not for Ugo. On top of that Ugo answered emails at all hours, managed faxes when they came through and had the patience to tell me that for one day, out of the many that we had been engaged in this process of completing my mortgage, he would not be available because his wife was having a baby.... and then he sent me a picture of his family! Amazing!

Truly the calm of the storm. Thank you very much! I am more than happy to speak to anyone on the many merits that Ugo and his service bring to the table!

Grazie Ugo!

Marcus C. Consolini
Head of Account Management
Macquarie Capital Securities Limited
Tokyo/Japan London/England


date: 2010-01-15 name: Nr. 597 - Alan & Karen subject: Ugo

Ugo was recommended to us by friends who had recently been guided through the mortgage application process in Italy by him and they gave him a glowing recommendation along with some insights about his attention to detail and his will to keep the application moving at all times.

We found this to be completely the case - Ugo is 100% reliable even when we were not - life gets in the way sometimes - and his communications are more than regular so you never have to ask about what's next.

It is a little weird dealing with it all over email but the testimonials speak for themselves, so it soon becomes natural.

Ugo is the reason we are now building our place rather than just planning it and waiting for the exchange rate to change & that says it all really - this guy makes things happen !

Alan & Karen, UK


date: 2009-07-09 name: Nr. 572 - Pietro Memmo subject: Ugo

Simply put, without Ugo, we would not have gotten the needed financing for a dream villa that my wife and I purchased in Calabria.

When we initially decided to purchase the villa, we had no idea how difficult it would be for an American to get a mortgage in Italy under "normal" circumstances.

In our case, it was in August, 2008 when we finally decided to proceed with the purchase.

Little did we know that over the next three months, the world would experience the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, and European banks had basically shut off mortgage financing not only for local residents, but also for international purchases.

This did not deter Ugo.
He was able to successfully secure a mortgage for us, knew all of the abundant paperwork that would be needed and basically guided us the end.

Thank you Ugo, you are the best, and I would recommend you to anyone.

Pietro & Catherine
New York - Usa


date: 2009-01-27 name: Nr. 512 - Nathalie & Graham subject: Ugo

If you are reading this references page, you are most probably in the same situation we were last year.

As foreigners, finding a mortgage to build a house in Italy was proving nearly impossible until we found Ugo.

We had some reservations initially since it was the first time we were going to deal with someone we did not know but Ugo’s references turned out to be spot on.

His professionalism and patience (and 24/7 availability!) surpassed our expectations and he was committed to making our mortgage application come true.

His knowledge of the process was phenomenal and when problems arose, he always found a solution. In the end, it took longer than expected (given the Italian bureaucracy) but if it had not been for Ugo, we would most likely not have a mortgage to build our house today.

We now hope that we will have the opportunity to meet with him soon!

Nathalie & Graham
Bethesda (Maryland-Usa)


date: 2008-07-03 name: Nr. 493 - Ed & Kathryn subject: Ugo

What more can we say then, "Without Ugo, we would have never obtained a mortgage for our reconstruction." Read the other referrences and it is all true. Ugo works around the clock and on holidays. He helped us at every step and now we have our mortgage and our reconstruction has started.

Thank you Ugo!

Ed & Kathryn
(New York-Usa)


date: 2007-10-30 name: Nr. 432 - Dawn & Andy subject: Ugo

It's a miracle. Ugo did it.

We're self employed with an internet based business. English, living for three years in Canada.
Accounts in the UK, accounts in Canada, all mostly in the red.
Documents all over the place and not easy to get hold of once we were living in Italy.

Ugo pushed all the way and without his effort we would not now be living in our dream house in Le Marche.

If this man can't get you a mortgage, no one can.

Dawn & Andy


date: 2007-09-26 name: Nr. 425 - Domenico Antonelli subject: Grazie Ugo!

After having lived in the US for most of my life I decided to move to Rome, Italy, and the adventure begun thanks to Ugo.

I cannot thank Ugo enough for assisting me in the purchase of my new home in Italy. When everyone is “out to lunch” or celebrating a holiday, Ugo is always on target. Many times my questions were answered within minutes, regardless of time and day, and even during his vacation. Besides being ALWAYS available, Ugo is also extremely familiar with all the intricacies of Italian real estate purchase and all the US documents required to fulfill the bank requirements and more……

I like to “shop around” for all my investments, and tried to do the same when I decided to purchase my house in Italy. However, I very soon realized that there is no comparison in the professionalism, experience, availability, courtesy and resources when one compares Ugo’s services to the others available. Many profess to be able to get you a mortgage, but when they ask you for a “Stato di Famiglia” ( an Italian document listing all your family members) you realize they are not familiar with the documents that are customarily available outside of Italy and soon realize what a precious resource Ugo is.

I would like to officially thank Ugo on this public forum for making my Italian wish come true.

Grazie Ugo!

ing. Domenico Antonelli, PE
Director of Construcion Execution
Studio Costa and Partners
Rome, Italy


date: 2007-07-30 name: Nr. 410 - Elizabeth and Curt Garrigan subject: Ugo

We cannot thank Ugo enough for all of his assistance throughout our purchase.

From the beginning, he patiently helped us find a mortgage for our property, and on better terms than we had been told were available.

His expertise and patience were exactly what we needed to guide us through the entire process.

He was always available to answer questions, and to give the bank- and us- the extra push needed to get the purchase completed.

Our endless questions, often in desperation, were always answered promptly, graciously, and frequently with the sense of humor necessary to help us keep our sanity throughout the entire process.

Thank you.

E. and C. Garrigan
Nashville (Tennessee-Usa)


date: 2007-07-13 name: nr. 406 - Michelle Meadows subject: Ugo a professional who is to the point and gets stuff done!!!

The reason you are reading this is probably because you are looking for a mortgage abroad. I must warn you if you do go ahead with a mortgage then be prepared, it is a little like having a baby, a nightmare till the birth, however once you have it, the pain / stress / worry is quickly forgotten.

I contacted Ugo asking for help to buy a property in Italy with 3 friends, he went out of his way to help us with a mortgage, unfortunately it was not meant to be and it fell through. This however was the point where my partner and I decided that we wanted to relocate to Italy regardless… We found a house, we bought the house and then realised that we needed money to renovate the house. I contacted Ugo explained the situation and asked if it was possible to get a mortgage for renovation purposes, he said yes and away we went. The process took about 6 months; this was mainly due to my working full time as a teacher and not being able to get the information to Ugo very quickly. Had I been capable of sending the information as he requested it, I think this could probably have been done in 2 – 3 months.

My reasons for relocating to Italy are firstly to move to the country where I can actually enjoy a more peaceful life, secondly to be closer to my family, thirdly getting away from the rat race found in a big city such as Manchester. I plan to become a painter and decorator, as well as working together with a local builder to help renovate properties for foreigners buying properties in the Abruzzo area. My partner will be setting up a dog Kennelling facility for expats wanting to board their animals, there will also be an animal rescue facility attached to this, we are hoping that the profits from the boarding business will fund the rescue facility.

Ugo is a gentleman and he calls an ace and ace, there is no messing around, he will be blunt and to the point and will guide you through the process in a way that makes you feel your hand is being held. He is a terrific professional who is honest and gets the job done. You will be asked for a lot of documents and sometimes you wonder what the need for this is, however if you stick with it and trust Ugo, it will go smoothly.

If you are struggling with decisions and want to chat about Ugo’s services or moving to Italy, please feel free to contact me Shelly Meadows , if I can help or point you in the direction of someone who can I will do.

Michelle Meadows


date: 2006-11-14 name: Nr. 358 - Corrado Fasano subject: Ugo

Sono un Italiano residente in America , nello stato del Colorado, circa sei mesi fa decisi di acquistare una proprietà in Piemonte, nelle Langhe , cosi provai a contattare direttamente una Banca Italiana la quale dopo avermi richiesto tutta una serie di documenti non si è neanche disturbata a richiamarmi, nell'ultimo messaggio ricevuto , l' impiegato addetto alla mia pratica , mi comunicò che stava andando in vacanza e che un suo collega mi avrebbe contattato.

Poi fortunatamente ho scoperto il sito web di Ugo e dopo averlo contattato ci mettemmo al lavoro subito .

Il sig. Ugo offre un servizio eccezionale di prontezza e professionalità nei dettagli di tutta l`operazione, se mai dovrò acquistare un'altra proprietà in Italia sicuramente chiederò a Ugo di fare il Mutuo .

Corrado Fasano
Boulder (Colorado-Usa)


date: 2006-06-12 name: Nr. 325 - Jennifer & Tim Franklin subject: Open reference for Ugo Vagniluca

We found Ugo on the internet. We were looking for a mortgage with which to purchase and redevelop a run down property in Piemonte. In the UK we had had trouble finding a bank that would do that anywhere but France or Spain.

When Ugo tells you he is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week you need to take this seriously. We have sent emails in the middle of a Saturday night and had the reply waiting for us by breakfast the following morning.

The trouble is that in the beginning we fretted that Ugo was making up the rules as he went along. Surely the rules cannot be THAT strict or THAT stupid, but after six months in Italy we can assure you THEY ARE.

Ugo will guide you around the labyrinth of some pretty silly Italian rules, laws and regulations and you will, eventually, pop out the other end with the home of your dreams and all the right paperwork for the job. To buy a house in Italy, or indeed to do anything in Italy, you need to fell a tree or two as the amount of paperwork will astound you: However persist. It is worth it, trust Ugo and he will liaise between all the parties and the notaio’s office bringing it all together on the day. He will get you through whether you are fluent in Italian or not.

We could not have done it without him and retained our sanity!

Jennifer & Tim Franklin



date: 2006-05-16 name: Nr. 322 - Samantha Dunham & Roddy Newlands subject: Ugo's services.

We spent eight months waiting for the two 'English speaking banks' in Italy to make their decision not to aid our restoration dream for our little bolt hole in Italy! We are a young English professional couple who thought it would be so so easy to approach these banks directly .. how wrong we were.. Age, naivety and reliance that going direct must mean the best deal can in fact make things go very wrong - thank goodness one quick email to Ugo resolved all that.

Yes, there is a small fee of 120 euros however with that comes a choice of banks not just the usual two English speaking ones to chose from and a positive decision within two weeks of providing Ugo the necessary documentation! Amazing. With that comes utter professionalism, politeness, genuine good advice and even translation services! For anyone looking for a positive decision and an easy life we whole heartedly recommend you to take up Ugo's services.

Samantha Dunham & Roddy Newlands



date: 2006-05-02 name: Nr. 318 - Katherine Porter and Jacques DoBaTien subject: Ugo

Many thanks for your assistance and advice in obtaining a mortgage for our purchase of a holiday home in Italy.
The entire process from our initial meeting to determine what we could afford all the way through to the mortgage closing went very smoothly and we could not have bought the house without all your help!

You were always available for our questions and willing to explain all the details of the Italian mortgage process so that we felt comfortable with the terms of our obligation.

We’ve spoken to many people who like ourselves wanted to buy a house in Italy and we’ve told them to make sure to contact you to handle the financing!

We look forward to having you stop by our beautiful house and see us when we’re in Italy!

Katherine Porter DoBaTien, CPM
Vice President, Property Management
Bernstein Management Corporation
5301 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20015


date: 2005-07-19 name: Nr. 305 - Susan Armstrong subject: Ugo Vagniluca

How long did I wait to get a telephone? Oh yes, eight months! And I believe that I would still be waiting for one if it were not for Ugo Vagniluca. This was just one of the many things that Ugo was able (and willing) to do for me.

I was fortunate enough to meet Ugo when I was searching for mortgage for the house I wanted to buy. I spent several frustrating months searching for one until a friend recommended Ugo. I had signed a contract that explicitly stated that the house purchase would be completed by October 28 or it was void which meant that the sellers could raise the asking price. After several frustrating months of searching for a mortgage, I was concerned that I was going to lose the house. A friend then recommended Ugo, who offered me a mortgage and money toward renovations. In less time that I could have ever imagined, Ugo completed the paperwork (and you think that it's bad in the US?) and the purchase was finalized on October 28.

So I have Ugo to thank for my house and my telephone.

Thanks Ugo,

Susan Armstrong


date: 2004-12-23 name: Nr. 261 - Jennifer Harris and Joe Sliskovich subject: Heartfelt Thanks to Ugo Vagniluca

We want to extend our thanks for helping us obtain a mortgage to purchase our dream house in Italy. From our first (and only!) phone call, your competence inspired confidence and your follow through was immediate. It is amazing that we were able to conduct the entire transaction over the internet and that is due solely to your hard work and diligence.

We are both lawyers in the United States and have been involved in countless mortgage transactions. We have never worked with an agent or mortgage broker who is as competent as you. We appreciate your calm, persistent approach and your creative solutions to the problems that inevitably arose before we even realized there was a problem. And, just when we thought it could not get any better, we would find an email from you telling us that our interest rate had gone down! The rates you made available were superior to any other rates we were quoted.

This transaction was a pleasure and we thank you sincerely for your help in making our dream a reality.

You are the best! We can't imagine why someone would waste their time working with anyone but you.


Jennifer Harris and Joe Sliskovich
Los Angeles - United States of America


date: 2004-07-27 name: Nr. 259 - Sarah & Paul subject: Ugo Vagniluca

For several months we tried in vain to get a restoration loan for our property in Italy.....then we found this site and contacted Ugo. Now we have the money we were looking for!!

Ugo's was always on hand to answer our questions and was extremely attentive and professional throughout the process.

We can wholeheartedly recommend him if you're needing funds for purchase or restoration.

Sarah & Paul
Hong Kong


date: 2003-10-21 name: Nr. 155 - Mitchell Levine subject: Ugo Vagniluca

I can highly recommend the services of UGO.

He is totally attentive to all of the many details necessary to purchase and finance a home in Italy.In particular, he is an excellent intermediary between an American buyer and the many potential obstacles which the Italian/european legal and finacial institutions interpose.

Ugo is ALWAYS AVAILABLE with expert advice.

For the American with little or no experience with european business practice , Ugo's help is invaluable.

Mitchell Levine M.D.
Director of Neurosurgery
The New York Hospital Queens


date: 2003-06-26 name: Nr. 153 - Dorys Rodriguez subject: Tramites para conseguir un mutuo

La amplia experiencia y profesionalidad de Ugo Vagniluca permitieron que los tramites burocraticos para conseguir un mutuo fueran mucho mas agiles, y expeditivos, definitivamente su toco personal es muy valioso.

Dorys Rodriguez


date: 2003-01-27 name: Nr. 148 - Andreas Sax subject: Highly recommended!

It was a long battle for us to get our dream property financed, and without Ugo Vagniluca, we probably wouldn't have succeeded.

The most valueable feature for us - besides his indisputable expertise in all aspects of the bank and real estate business - was his patience and helpfulness even when things started getting really complicated - not to forget the fact that he seems to be on a 24 hour duty, permanently reachable via fax, phone and e-mail.

So - yes, Ugo is highly recommended!

Mag. Andreas Sax - Campaign Director
VIER PFOTEN- Animal protection organisation
Vienna, Austria


date: 2002-12-30 name: Nr. 151 - Charles Puglia subject: Accolades for Ugo Vagniluca

I highly recommend the financial services of Ugo Vagniluca to anyone interested in purchasing/restoring a home in Italia.

His professionalism, knowledge, competency, courtesy and efficiency were invaluable throughout the sales process.

His ability to answer all of our questions promptly and in a concise manner helped us avoid costly mistakes.

He is a wonderful and practiced guide...a true ally.


Charles Puglia
United States of America


date: 2002-12-12 name: Nr. 145 - Nancy Passaretti subject: Nancy Passaretti

For 6 months I had been trying to get a loan to purchase property near Todi. Having dual citizenship (American/Italian), I thought this process would be easy. Time after time, Italian banks refused to give me a mortgage because my earnings originated in America. Then along comes Ugo. He was recommended by a realtor. From the very beginning he knew what was needed and worked in concert with me to walk me through the process of fulfilling my dream of having a home in Italy with a view of Todi. Ugo is friendly, competent and reliable. No matter how many questions I had he answered them patiently. He helped me to jump the many hurdles required to get a mortgage which included restoration costs. Within weeks the process was completed. He was availble at all times. He continues to follow the process of money draws for restoration work. I highly recommend his services. Once again, Ugo is friendly, competent and reliable!

Nancy Passaretti
Provo (Utah-Usa)


date: 2002-02-18 name: Nr. 125 - David Freedberg subject: Dealing with Ugo

At every stage I was impressed by the professionalism, courtesy, and efficiency of my dealings with Ugo . Ugo Vagniluca and his friendly associates could not have been more helpful in obtaining a mortgage in the easiest and friendliest way possible. I would recommend this service to anyone wishing to obtain a mortgage or make a property purchase anywhere in Italy/Europe. The follow-up service has been impeccable too.

David Freedberg
Professor of Art History, Columbia University.
Director, The Italian Academy for Advanced
Studies in America at Columbia University
1161 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10027


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